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Tea Master of Little Tokyo

Seihou - Ceremonial Matcha

Seihou - Ceremonial Matcha

Regular price $52.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $52.00 USD
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Our ceremonial grade matcha powder ‘Seihou’ perfectly illustrates the importance of choice in Japanese tea and its wider culture. It is a ceremonial grade matcha that can be used for the rarer thick (濃茶, koicha) tea that is often served in lengthier ceremonies with ties to Japan’s famous tea schools or the more common thin (薄茶, usucha) tea, depending on the preference of the one serving it. Contrary to popular misconception about the perceived rigidity of the Japanese tea ceremony, there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to serve Seihou, only matters of choice. When prepared thick, this tea has a full-bodied smoothness and almost no detectable astringency. When prepared thin, this tea lives up to its namesake. In a single sip, it travels on journey from a stronger more robust taste on the beginning of the ascent when it hits your lips, all the way to an unobstructed view of peaceful relaxation and ease at the peak. Since it happens in only a few seconds, one could also relate the experience to that of a firecracker: a loud bang of taste in the beginning and then a delicate downpour of lightly illuminated flavor afterward. Like many of our guests’ favorite teas, this one leaves the experience open to the drinker and we’ve never heard of it disappointing, no matter how someone chooses to serve it.


Freight train

Barrels straight through

Leaving joy



Richness: 4/5

Bite: 1/5

Aroma: 4/5

Vibrancy: 4/5

Umami: 4/5



Yame 八女

Fukuoka Prefecture 福岡県

Kyushu Region 九州




Size: 40 grams (makes 15-25 bowls of matcha)


Packaging: Aluminum jar


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